Sunday, March 1, 2015

CANTAR DE MIO CID (Marzo 2015) (las bodas) 1087-2277

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2278-3730 –Cantar de la Afrenta de Corpes

Mis apuntes de la segunda parte (las bodas)

Again the Cid sends Minaya to King Alfonso, this time with a gift of one hundred horses and a request that Doña Ximena and her daughters be permitted to join him in Valencia. Visibly softened by the Cid’s growing power, King Alfonso grants this request. In addition, he returns to the Cid’s men their former estates.

LAS BODAS de SUS HIJAS 1087- 2277

23r, 1078 –1090 (1087-1090)
Cid let Count leave, conde is gone, ganancia,
Aqui esta Cid’s deed so rich
Olocau, Zaragoza, Huesca, Montalban, towards the salty sea he began to fight.

23r, 1091-1103
Jerica Onda, Almenara, Burriana,
CONQUISTA (first time mention)   Creador, SeNnor, Ciero  Murviedro
Valencia  (first time mention)    Sabet

23v, 1104-1117
vino, pan, Jerica, Olocau, Onda, Almenara, Borriana,
DIOS< on the third day, buen hora nazco,
Creador, cristiandad,
Telling all the places he will fight

23v, 1118-1130
Gracias a dios, Los de Valencia, must fight against them tomorrow morning,
Minaya Alvar Fanez, 1000 knights

24r, 1131-1142
1000, Dios,
you guys know what to do tomorrow mornig.
Apostle Santiago,

24r, 1143-1154
Moros son muchos, Alvar Fanez, 2 moorish kings,
Cebolla, Murviedro, sabet,
Again, news of Cid’s winning against Moors spread.

24v, 1155-1167
Valencia, mar, Dios, Cullera, Jativa, Denia, Moros, Pena Cadiella, Jativa, Cullera, Valencia, tierra de Moros,

24v, 1168-1179
duro 3 anos, Valencia, ---
no one help each other, weak ones (women kids) died from hunger.

25r, 1180-1192
rey de Marueco, Murviedro, Monreal, Aragon Navarra, Castillan, Valencia Cristianos,
He sent a message to recruit soldiers. To get Valencia.
1192==”Quien quiere ir conmigo! Cercar a Valencia!

25r, 1193-1205
3 dias, Canal de Cell, buen hora nasco, Nurviedro, sabet, In the name of christianismo, many people gathered. Cristiandad, Valencia,

25v, 1206-1219
sabet, 9 months, sabet, Valencia, oro y la plata, quinta mando tomoar, 30000marcos,

25v. 1220-1232
Sevilla, Valencia, 30000 armed men, Jativa, Jucar, Moros, Rey de Marruecos con 3 wounds.Arrango mio Cid (defeted). Jucar,

26r. 1233-1244
sabet, 100 marcos de plata, cristianos, buen hora nazco, Por AMOR del Rey Alfonso,
Cid said, for the love of the King Alfonso, nither sissiors nor a hair would enter…????
Moros e crisitianos,
Minaya Alvar fanez

26r. 1245-1256
Valencia, todos son pagados, Minaya, Minaya Alvar Fañez
Soldiers from the beginning, and soldiers after the recruitment, both were happy for the ganacia given.

26v, 1257-1269
Cid ordered to Minaya to count the number of soldiers, (who died, )
Gracias a Dions, Santa Maria Madre,
He expressed the number has grown…..

26v, 1270-1282
Cid wants to send Minaya to Castille, with ganacia 100 horses
Please kiss the hand of king for me, If king allows, please bring my wife and daughters tome.
Minaya, agreed to do so.

27r, 1283-1295
100 men (alvar fanez, ) 1000 marks of Plata to San Pedro---to Aboto Don Sancho,
Don Jeronimo, moros, cristianos,

27r, 1296-1308
Minaya Alva Fanez, Dios, gracias, “I want to make a obispado (bishop +Jeronimo) in the land of Valencia = Christian Land.
Minaya, go to Castille for the good news.
They appoint him as bishop (jeronimo)
“Tierras de Valencia, remanidas en paz!”

27v, 1309-1320
Minaya Alvar Fanez headed for Castilla, Alfonso had gone to Sahagun, he returned to Carrion,
Minaya Alvar Fanez, ran into king Alfonso (after the misa), kissed his hand, sand started to speak to the king.

27v, 1321-1332
POr amor del Creador, Cid kisses your hands, Jerica Onda, Almenara, Murviedro, Cebnolla Castelon, pena cadiella’ Valencia (Minaya informed the KING ALFONSO about Cid’s hazañas., but most of all Valencia!!!)
The good Campeador made a bishop by his hand…..

28r, 1333-1344
El Creador, 100 horses to you , Minaya’s job to convinve King Alfonso
San Isidoro, ---I accept these horses. Minaya’s job to please/convinve King Alfonso is very important.

28r, 1345-1356
Caric Ordonez, Moros, Cid asks you a favor, Doña Jimena and 2 daughters, monastery, Please allow me to take them to Valencia,,,,,,

28v, 1357-1369
3 women are there protected by dishonor.
I don’t want the Campeador to lose anyting…..(King shouted to his me fllowers and his court).

28v, 1370-1381
Creador, Infantes de Carrion (FIRST TIME APPEARS) spoke to marry the daughters. (for our own benefit (HUEVOS)  because Cid kept winning.) Greedy Infantes de Carrion. King offered Minaya a porter to serve the 3 ladies.

29r, 1382-1394
Minaya said goodbye to the court,
Infantes de Carrion said “Give our reads to Cid. We are in favor of Cid, and Cid won’t lose anything from us…” Minaya replied, there is no reason for that
Minaya arrived San Pedro to pick up ladies.

29r, 1395-1407
Dios, ,,,,El Rey release you, let’s go to Valencia,
El creador lo mande ---said Jimena
1407---Tell the Campeador, mya God protext him from harm.

29v, 1408-1419
in 15 days (while Dios protect us), we can see Cid
They see many soldiers (Cid’s former estates) are joinging them to go fight with Cid.

29V. 1420-1431
500 marks to Abott Sancho.
Minaya decided to dress the ladies in best attire that he gets in Burgos,

Raquel and Vidas appears

30r, 1432-1444
Raquel y Vidas said, Cid has ruined us, (sabed)
Creador, Burgos, San Pedro,

30r, 1445-1457
San Pedro, to Medina 5 days

30v, 1458-1471
Muño Gustioz, Pedro Bermúdez
Martin Antolinez, Jeronimo, 100 caballeros, SantaMaria, Molina
Avengalvon, 100 caballeros, Medina
Jimenez hijas con Minaya

30v, 1472-1484
Santa Maria, Molina, Morr Avengalvon, sabed, Muno Gustioz,
His wife and daughters are in Medina.

31r, 1485=1498
Valencia, Avengalvon(moor), Mata de Taranz, Arbujuelo, Medina, Minaya Alvar Fanez,

31r, 1499-1511
pedro Bermudez, muno gustioz,
Martin Antolinez,

31r, 1512-1524
Castilla, Jalon, Minaya Alvar Fanez, Avengalvon, all of us will honor you for such is his fortune (wife and his daughters).

31v, 1525-1536
Minaya smile from his mouth
Avengalvon, Cenar--- last supper???

Meidna, Mass, Jalon, Arbujuelo, Tranz, Media, Avengalvon, Jeronimo, cristiano,

32r, 1550-1562
Moor Avengalvon, Minaiya, ladies, God, Valencia, Moro, HONORABLE<
Valencia, buen hora nasco,

32v, 1563-1575
buen hora cinjo espada

32v, 1576-1587
finally joins wife and daughters, hug, Jeronimo
Buen hora nasco, Babieca,

33r, 1588-1600
Babieca(caballo’s name)
Cid walked toward his wife, buen hora
Dios, embraced cid, llorar------

33r, 1601-1612
buen ora nasco, honor, Valencia---I have won for YOU (WIFE).

33v, 1613-1625
mar, Dios Rogar (for the wealth he received)   March (no more INVIERNO)
King Yusuf, (moro)
Rey de Marueco gathers his warriors.

33v, 1626-1637
more weapon, CONQUISTA
Graicas a Creator, Padre Sprital, todo tengo
My possession

Shortly after a triumphant reunion with his family in Valencia, the Cid overcomes the king of Morocco. As a gesture of victory, he sends the Moroccan’s tent to King Alfonso. This dramatic gift earns the Cid’s pardon as well as the king’s request that the Cid give his daughters in marriage to Diego and Fernando, the princes of Carrión. At the victory feast, many marvel at the great length and abundance of the Cid’s beard, for he had sworn at the time of his banishment that his beard would never again be cut. The fullness of his beard has now taken on a mystical significance related to the Cid’s power and success.

34r, 1638-1650
I will go to battle, my family will see me fight
YOUR DAUGHTERS are ready to be married,.,,,,

34r, 1651-1663
Padre spirital, Santa Maria Madre, Dios
Wife and daughters were afraid/worried so much ever about Cid….

34v, 1664-1676
Don be afraid, 15 dias, Obispo Jeronimo, Santa Maria, Madre de Creador, ==Campeador,  Moros de Marruecos cabalgan a vigor. Gentes cristianas, they meet up with the MOROS and they engage them quickly (killed moros quickly).
34v, 1677-1689
500 moros they kills, Alvar Salvadorez remained prisoner, Mass will be (bishop don Jeronimo)

35r, 1690-1702
Creador, Santiago, Minaya spoke that he wants to go fight now. Cid asked more soldiers (130 more caballeros,
A los mediado gallo, antes de la manana, Jeronimo was singing them the mass.

35r, 1703-1715
dios, buen hora cincestes espada, mass, torres de Valencia, Babieca(su caballo)
35v, 1716-1728
3970  Alvar Alvarez, Alvar Salvadores, Minaya Alvar Fanez, creador, he kills so many moros, sangre, dripping, King Yusuf, Cullera (castle),
35v, 1729-1741
buen hora nasco, ganancia, 50,000, 100 escaped, oro plata 3000 marcos, Dios, Rey de Marueco (Yusuf) have defeated.

36r, 1742-1754
100 kingihts , Babieca, gran honor, you (wife) have this land Valencia that I won for you.
Dios, espad sangrienta, Moros Vencen, creador,

36r, 1755-1767
200 marks of plata, to marry both of our daughters (Cid talked with jimena in the castle).
WIFE and HUSBAND, talking about Marriage of their daughters. (dowry)
36v, 1768-1781                                                                                                                                  alegria for marriage, Minaya Alvar Fanez number of all the horses, los moros1500 horses Cid gained.
36v, 1782-1794                                                                                                                                             k  Criestiano, tal tienda como esta Maruefco Alfono castillano, aquesta requeza     Cid finds a gold TIENDA (Tent?) from Morroco with such a luxery, He wants to send that to Castilla, Rey Alfonso.
37r, 1795-1807
Moros, buen hora nasco, his entiere fifthe, cristiana, riches, horses, armas, Cid asked Minaya to take Cid’s QUINTA (to take to Castilla)

37r, 1808-1820
ordering Minaya to go to Castilla,
200 horses are presnt too, rey alfonso
200 men followed Minaya,

37v, 1821-1833
 they left Valencia, Rey don Alfonso, Valladolid where rey Alfonso estaba, Pedro Bernudez, Minaya presented Mio Cid’s present.
King was happy,

37v, 1834-1846
buen hora nasco, infantes de Carrion, Conde Don Garcia, buen hora nasco, Almofalla,
sabet, Minaya y Pedro Bermudez off the horse, kissed Rey Alfonso,
Merced, Rey Alfonso, you ar eso honored (Return DISGRACE to HONOR)

38r, 1847-1858
   Minaya explained how Cid won so many requeza,
Hondra, Yusuf Marueco, 50,000, 200 horses to you,
Alfonso, I gladly receive the gift.

38r, 1859-1870
Don Garcia was angry,
Thanks to the Creador and senor St. Isidore de Leon,
Minaya Alvar Fanez, and Pedro Nermudez, -----Alfonso is talking to them

38v, 1871-1883
3 horses, Infantes de Carrion,

38v, 1884-1895
 Infantes de Carrion asked to King Alfonso with secret about marriage to Cid’s daughters,
King Alfonso called Minaya and Pedro…. (to ask about the marriage)

39r, 1896-1908
He will have my perdon, Diego y Ferrando (infantes de Carrion), honor to marry their daughters to them. FINALLY REY SAID CID HAS HIS PERDON. …but marry infantes.
Minaya and Pedro said “we will ask him’

39r, 1909-1921
buen hora nasco, they said gooby to king, left to Valencia, and reunited with Cid,
Minaya, Pedro, Cid,
“Como son las saludes de Alfonso, mio señor?
How was my lord, Alfonso? (said Cid)

39v, 1922-1934
Minaya said Alfonso loved the gift. You earned his amor.
Thanks to the creator (said cid)  MiNAYA explains to CID that ALFONSO/Marriage.
Alfonso asked Cid to marry his daughters to infantes fo Carrion.
Buen campeado, una grandora, Esto gradesco a Cristus,

39v, 1935-1946
Thanks a god that I have the kings’ grace, they ask me for my daughters for infantes of Carrion. They are too orgullosos, and I do not like this marriage, but since king recommends it, let’s talk about it.

40r, 1947-1959
whatever Rey Alfonso wants, we have to give him…..
lo que el Rey quisiere, eso sera el Campeador to honor the king. And wrote the letter.

40r, 1960-1971
Castolla, Adria….. Who in the Castilla, ever seen such a wealth (horse so fast and well equipped) soldiers with shields in gold and silver etc…)

40v, 1972-1984
Tajo, infantes de Carrion, Leonese Galicana, Castillanas, sabes,

40v, 1985-1997
Inside Valencia, tanta, tanto, tanta, tanto, tanta,
Minaya Alvar Fanez, Pedro Bermudez, Martin Munoz, Martin Antolinez,
Alvar Alvarez,
alvar Salvadorez,
Muno Gustio,s
Galind Garciaz de Aragon

41r, 1998-2010
Alvar Salvadores, Allind Garcias, buen hora nasco, saien de Valencia,

41r, 2011-2022
 tan gran honor, Alfonso go out to welcome Cid with great honor,
When Cid was in Alfons’s sight, he orders all his people to stop., except 15 caballeros.
They got off horse, knees, and bowed to Cid on the ground (as Cid planned earlier)
 buen hora nasco,

41v, 2023-2035
such great peaso ovo el rey don alfonso,
if you don’t kiss my hand, you are not my approval (said Alfonso to Cid)
Aqui Vos perdono y doy my amor (favor) y a parte in mi reino parte desde hoy.

41v, 2036-2047
Cid said to Alfonso “I accept it.
Alvar Diaz and Garci Ordonez (were not happy about this).
Thank you Creator, I have the FAVOR of Don Alfonso,
Cid offered to be his guest, but Alfonso declined.

42r, 2048-2060
At that moment Infantes de Carrion, buen hora nacio,
They bown down to Cid,

42r, 2061-2072
they prepare a feast, all were happy, 3 years they have not eaten well,
jeronimo sang in Mass, King started his speech,

42v, 2073-2084
May Christ in his favor,
Elvira, and Sol,
Infantes de Carrion
Cid said my daughters are not very old and are small in days….I would not have daughters to marry…. ????????

42v, 2085-2095
Elvira and Sol,
Infantes de Carrion, buen hora nacido,
Alfonso said,
I give thanks to you Cid, as sucha good vassal nd first of all to the Creator…..

43r, 2096-2107
your daughters to the infantes de Carrion,
Hereupon, Elvira, and Sol,
300 marks of plata,     Assembly about BODAS planning.
Yernos will be your hijos…. Campeador,,,,

43r, 2108-2118
new news for Campeador, (*about bodas)   buenas vestidos, 60 horses as gifts.
43v, 2119-2130
night came,
Dios en Ciero, Barbieca (caballo), whoever wants to go with me to the weddings or to receive my offering, come with me…

43v, 2131-2142
be their god father (padrino)---alfosno is asking Mineya to be padrino.

44r, 2143-2154                                                                                                              30 caballos, Alfonso, You have over whelmed me.             Mi Cid Dians you have greatly Honored me…. TO God I commend you, from this assembly I take leave.                               
44r, 2155-2165                                                                                                                Dios del cielo, despedirse a Alfonso, we will go under the authority of my Cid to Valencia the grand, we will be at the weddings of the Infantes of Carrion, and of the daughters of my cid, Elvira and Sol,            
44v, 2166-2177
they head for Valencia, Fernando and do Diego,
Pedro Bermudez, Muno Gustioz,
Asur Gonzalez,
Infantes de Carrion,
Pedro and Muno Gustioz,

44v, 2178-2189
sun rises, infantes will see their wives
Jimena and hijas welcomed, buena hora cinxieste espada,
THAnks to the creator, I have married you well.

45r, 2180-2201
he thanked about his wife Jimena a Dios for great marriage. Cid is telling his daughters Elvira and Sol, about growing honor,    as Alfonso requested, (I do not know the truth, I did not arrange it)…
45r, 2202-2213                                                                                                                        he marries you not I, the infantes de Carrions are here (with lots of beautigul garments)                                                                               
45v, 2214-2225
buen hora nasco,
Alvar Fanez, I have promised this with Rey, Pues que a hacer loa avemos, ¿Por qu†e lo imos tardando???? (since we have to marry do it, why are we taking so ong?)

45v, 2226-2237
Minaya agreed to do. Took the hands of Carrions, give you these ladies, as your wives, both received the ladies, Santa Maria,   (BODA)

46r, 2238-2249
 obiso Jeronimo, misa, iglesia, Dios, buen hora nasco, infantes de carrion have ridden the horses well to iglesia, honorable weddings,

46r, 2250-2260
15 days bodas lasted
buen hora nasco, 100
luxery of wedding are described.

46v, 2261-2273
Castilla, they return rich to Castilla,
Now there guests were leaving, buen hora nasco,
Diego and Fernando, count Don Gonzalo,
Cid and his sons in law have remained in Valencai, for 2 years,
Cid showed them favor,/love, amor,

46v, 2274-(2277---las bodas)
up to 2277
Pray to Holy Mary and to the Holy Father,
That this marriage the pleasing to my Cid and to him who thought it desirable,
The verses of this poem are ending here,
The Creator help you with all his saints. 

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