Sunday, March 4, 2018

Señora de rojo sobre fond gris (Miguel Delibes)

Woman in Red on a Gray Background is an Elegy written by Miguel Delibes (1920-2010) to his deceased wife. Published in 1991, she had died seventeen years before at the relatively young age of 48. 

Good read for about 2-harlf hours.

the husband of Señora is talking to his  about his wife, Señora.

It really made me think about the loving-relationship with this husband and wife. He describes himself as he is nothing without her. He cannot live without her, but he has to live without her. I really felt his suffering, agony, fear of left-alone.

I cannot live without my husband myself, and made me think either one of us will depart from this world and our separation will come.

El monólogo es esencialmente un reconocimiento a la figura de su esposa, Ana, fallecida a los 48 años de un tumor cerebral, a través del relato de su vida en común. Nos la presenta no sólo como su esposa y la madre de sus hijos, sino como su compañera, la primera responsable de su éxito profesional, su bastón y brújula en su vida personal… Precioso. Además, en sólo 112 páginas nos dibuja el contexto social, cultural y político en el que transcurren los hechos: la España de 1975.