Thursday, April 9, 2015

De la Ilustración a la Generación del 98 p195

Dos siglos  el XVIII y el XIX 18 y 19.

     A Western European intellectual movememnt in the 18th century, also called 'The Age of Reason." It is chracterized by an emphasis on ratioonalism, a faith in human reason and progress, the advocacy of scientific inquiry and tolerance, and the rejection of exisiting religion in favor dof Deism, the belif in doctrines based on huma reason and morality adn in a supreme being who does not interfere in the universe.

el neoclasicismo
     An intellectual current of 17th adn 18th century Europe that revived or adapted clasical style or taste using models derived from Greco-Roman literature and art. Neoclassicism emphasized unity, clarity, order, decorum, symmetry, and rationality.

el romaticismo
    a literary and artisitc movement that first emerged in the 1790s in Engliahd and Germany and then dominated European literature during the first half of the 19th century. In reaction to neoclassicism, romanticism favored spontaneity, originality, and the expression of intense personal sentiments and rejected the restraint of 18th century rationalism, seeing it as impersonal and artificial. IN Spanish-America literature, the individualism and freedon adovated by romanticism coincided with the movements for politcal independence and with the flowering of gaucho literature.

el realismo
     a literary movement, especially of 19th century prose, that rejected the subjectivity of romanticism and emphasized the obervation and objective description of external reality with attention to the everyday life of ordinary peopoel. Realism preceded and laid the foundations for naturalism.

el naturalismo
    A literary movement of the late 19th century led by the French writer Emile Zola. In reaction to the subjectivism of the romantic period, naturalism advocated hte highly detailed description of external reality informed by scientific investigation and by the desire for socail reform. It asl emphasized the influence of the environment on human behavior.


Siglo de las luces o de la Ilustración.
1700 Empieza a reinar en España, la dinastía francesa de los Borbones.
Se caracteriza por la crítica racionalista y por la investigación científica.
didáctica y el género literario que predomina es el ensayo.

Fray Benito Jerónimo Feijóo
Ignacio de Luzán

Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos
José Cadalso y Vázquez (cartas Marruecas, 1789)

influencia del neoclasicismo francés (reglas estéticas de las tres unidades ---acción, lugar y tiempo)
(valora la sencillez lingüísitca y el equilibrio formal).
Poética de Aristóteles,
el Arte poética de Horacio

Nicolás Fernández de Moratín (teatro)
Leandro  ---El sí de las niñas (1801).
Ramón de la Cruz (dramaturgo)

corrientes intelectuales y las costumbres francesas.

salón ilterarios y políticos del momento

Tertulia de la Fonda de San Sebastián (Jose Cadalso, Tomás de Iriarte

Jose Bonaparte
1808 -1813

Guerra de Independencia (1808 - 1814)


el Romanticismo representa libreal, el individualismo, la exaltación del YO, el sentimiento, la libertad y el pasado nacional. subjetivismo.

Jose de Espronceda,
Mariano Jose de Larra
Angel de Saavedra (el Duque de Rivas) Don alvaro o la fuerza del sino (1835)
José Zorrilla, Don Juan Tenorio (1844)

Musicalidad, lenguaje sonoro y sencillo,

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer,
De Rosalía de Castro

Benito Pérez Galdós ----CUMBRE DEL REALISMO
Ramón de Campoamor , Humoradas

Fernás Caballero (Cecilia Böhl de Fáber)  La gaviota (1849)
Vicente Blasco Ináñez
Clarín (Pedor Antonio de Alarcón)
Emilia Pardo Bazán   naturalismo,,

La desastrao Guerra de Cuba (1898),   Generación del 98

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